What Small Businesses Can Benefit From 3D Printers

What Small Businesses Can Benefit From 3D Printers

3D printers are an innovative technology which are sure to transform the business world. They are already being used by larger companies and firms. But new advances in 3D printing technology have made them more compact and affordable. Because of this, they can now be used by smaller businesses and sole traders. Here are some examples of how small businesses can benefit from the use of 3D printers.
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3D printers are an innovative technology which are sure to transform the business world. They are already being used by larger companies and firms. But new advances in 3D printing technology have made them more compact and affordable. Because of this, they can now be used by smaller businesses and sole traders. Here are some examples of how small businesses can benefit from the use of 3D printers.


One of the hardest parts of running a small business is coming up with innovative products. This is something that people of all industries and backgrounds will struggle with.

By using a 3D printer, you'll be able to create a physical version of the product. You'll be able to touch and hold it. This will make it easy to find the flaws, so you can redesign it better. It can also help you source investment if you have a physical version of the product to present to investors.

Jewellery Store

Historically, you would have had to create an injection mold for each part you wanted to create. However, this can cause problems for small businesses. Because of the high costs involved, creating a once-off item could cost thousands of dollars. This made it too expensive for most customers.

3D printers though have changed this. Now jewelry stores will be able to work with clients, creating a unique designs. They can show it to the client and get feedback. Then, the design can be changed in real-time. When they are happy, you just need to turn on the 3D printer to create your unique piece.


Another big advantage of 3D printers is that you will be able to make customized products in-house. There are dozens of businesses that will benefit from this. For example, let’s look at how this technology can help a mechanic. No need to wait around for the manufacturer to get the parts you need. A 3D printer is capable of making strong and durable replacements. Even better, this can help with older vehicles, whose parts might have gone out of stock.

Creative Industries

Many people think that a 3D printer is primarily used by the manufacturing or engineering industries. However, it also plays an important role within the creative industries. There is no limit to what you can create on a 3D printer.

There are dozens of small businesses in the creative industries that use 3D printers. For example, a production company can print like-like props for their movies and TV shows. It can also be used by a video game company. You can make 3D figurines of characters in the games.

Educational Providers

Increasingly, 3D printers are making their way into the classroom. There are several reasons for this. They can be a great way of giving students hands-on experience. For example, teachers can print out a model of the pyramids when looking at Ancient Egypt.

It’s common for teachers to set assignments that require students to create and print their own models.  This forces them to problem solve. They might need to try a few versions before they find the one that works the best. This site has a few ideas that teachers or tutors can use when incorporating 3D printers into their lesson plans.


The fashion sector is built on its ability to think outside of the box. This is something that a 3D printer will be able to help with. For example, it can be used to create unique footwear. You’ll be able to achieve shapes and styles that wouldn’t have been possible using traditional manufacturing approaches.

3D printers can also be used to make delicate shapes and designs. Because of this, it might be used to create brooches, hairpieces, and other accessories.

Architects and Engineers

This is one of the most prominent examples of industries that can benefit from the use of a 3D printer. You can use the design software to come up with a property that will suit your client. Then, you can print it out, bringing the model to life.

Having a visual representation can help people get a better idea of what they are buying. They’ll be able to get a better idea of the amount of space available and how it will be used. It can also be a good way for the architect to spot problems.


3D printers are known for their speed and customizability. Because of this, the construction industry has embraced this technology. There are now companies in China that can 3D print an entire house in just a few days. You can read about this remarkable technology in this article.

On a smaller scale, though, it can be used to print cables. Or small companies can save money and print their own tools. It can also be used in interior design. For example, it can be used to make art pieces. You can even print off large items like chairs or tables, you’ll just need to break it down into multiple parts.

Getting Starting With a 3D Printer

The truth is that almost every small business can benefit from the use of a 3D printer. The good news is that it will be fairly easy to incorporate this technology into your organization. First, you need to find the right printer. Thankfully, you don’t have to pay a fortune. This list of 3D printers under $200 will be both affordable and durable.

The next thing you need to do is take a little time to get to know your new 3D printer. Read through the manual and check out some online videos, so you know how it works. You can also try some basic projects. This article has some good ones for you to experiment with. 


From allowing custom projects to fast print speeds, there are plenty of ways that 3D printing is revolutionizing the way business is done. This is something that small business owners around the world are taking advantage of. So, use a 3D printer to give your business a competitive edge.