Modix Upgrade Automatic Calibration
Modix Upgrade Automatic Calibration
This upgrade improves user experience by automating calibration procedures. Included are automatic print-bed tilt calibration (Z axis) and automatic gantry alignment (X axis). In addition to the standard print bed surface mapping, Modix is now offering a user-friendly fully automated calibration process.
This upgrade is delivered as a new controller box which features an additional electronic board named DUEX-5 expansion board doubling the total amount of stepper drivers from 5 to 10.
By allocating a dedicated driver for each of the Z and X axis motors we get a specific control of each stepper motor, and no longer must be moved unison. This allows to perform a fully automated system calibration routine with the click on a button.
This type of control box is already included with BIG-Meter and BIG-180X and now is offered as an optional upgrade for: BIG-60, BIG-120X, BIG-120Z and BIG-40.
The upgrade includes a fully wired new electronic box with both Duet 2 WiFi controller, Duex-5 expansion board, wires for all motors and an additional X axis end-stop. You may keep your default electronic box as spare / backup.